190 N. County Rd., Palm Beach, FL 33480 | (561) 832-0804 | officesec@tepb.org

Temple Emanu-El

Spiritual. Egalitarian. Welcoming.

Social Action

The world stands on three things: Torah, Prayer and Acts of Loving Kindness.

Pirkei Avot 1:2

At Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach, we recognize that Social Action – in Hebrew, Tikkun Olam – is at the heart of what it means to be Jewish. It is central to our identity as Jews and as a congregation.

Here’s a selection of just some of our Social Action initiatives in which you can participate:


iStock_000056865242_SmallSupport Israel

Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach fully supports the State of Israel and we acknowledge its vital importance to our Congregation and the Jewish People. To further these values, we provide educational programs, forums for discussion, and knowledgeable speakers on current and critical issues dealing with Israel.

Israel Partnership:
Since 1994, the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County has been a partner to the communities of Tzfat, Rosh Pina and Hatzor Ha’glilit in the northern Galilee, sharing human and financial resources to enhance and improve Israel, its people and Jewish communities throughout the U.S.


Bring a Non-Perishable Food Item to Temple Emanu-El’s Food Bank

We’ll make sure it gets to the people who need it most by donating it to one of many local charities helping those people that are food-insecure.

iStock_000029174930_SmallSponsor a Food Basket on Shabbat

In support of the Alpert Jewish Family Service food bank, Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach encourages those who wish to donate a “Food Basket” in lieu of a donating a flower arrangement for our Bimah. The majority of the money collected for the Food Basket is then donated by Temple Emanu-El directly to Alpert Jewish Family Service to help feed the many families in Palm Beach County who are in need of supplemental nutrition.

To Sponsor a Food Basket, please click here.


iStock_000072984975_SmallJoin our Hesed Group

Hesed (compassion) is part of what makes Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach a Kehillah Kedoshah – a sacred community. By actively engaging in acts of kindness and compassion within the context of our Jewish Tradition, we seek to make a difference in our lives, in the lives of those people around us, and in the community we all share.

We are seeking caring people to assist us in the following areas:

  1. Visiting the Sick – Bikur Holim. Visit members of our community at the hospital, or spend time with an elderly person who is homebound.
  2. Welcoming Guests – Hachnasat Orchim. Greet guests at the Temple and reach out to our new members and prospective new members.
  3. Supporting the Needy – Hesed La’evyonim. Sponsor a food basket to help feed the poor, or participate in one of the Temple’s Social Action projects.
  4. Comforting the Mourners – Menachem Avelim. Comfort those who suffered a loss by arranging meals and helping to coordinate Shiva Minyanim at their home.

Remember, you can participate in ways both big and small. Any level of assistance makes a difference!  For more information, please contact the Temple Office at 561-832-0804.

InterfaithParticipate in our Interfaith Relations

Temple Emanu-El is actively involved in building and sustaining strong relationships with all of our neighbors though a series of activities and interfaith initiatives. These include participating in the annual Palm Beach Interfaith Thanksgiving Service, the Palm Beach Fellowship of Christians and Jews, and Fellowship Friday, a very large interfaith Mitzvah Day!

iStock_000088067411_SmallSupport our Environmental Initiatives at Temple Emanu-El and at Home


At Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach, we recycle all of the paper, glass and plastic products used by the synagogue office. We also use recycled paper for as much of our printed materials, as possible. In an effort to reduce the use of paper, we increasingly rely on electronic correspondence via email.


Energy Efficiency

The majority of lighting at Temple Emanu-El is high efficiency LED or fluorescent lighting systems. We also employ a state-of-the-art monitoring system to regulate and minimize our air conditioning use.

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Click here for a list of useful ways you can make a difference!



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