190 N. County Rd., Palm Beach, FL 33480 | (561) 832-0804 | officesec@tepb.org

Temple Emanu-El

Spiritual. Egalitarian. Welcoming.

Mission Statement

“Know Before Whom You Stand.”

Babylonian Talmud, Berachot 28b


ArkAt Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach we strive to make our congregation a Kehillah Kedoshah – a Holy Community – one dedicated to Torah (Jewish Learning), Avodah (Prayer and Spiritual Growth), and Gimilut Hasadim (Personal Kindness, Community and Social Action). Fully egalitarian, we believe that engaging in the core values of our Jewish tradition will impact the way we live, think and act as Jews, and will serve as a catalyst for real change in us and in the world we all share.


Torah & Jewish Learning

  • Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach is dedicated to the study of Torah, spiritual connection through prayer and the performance of Mitzvot (commandments).
  • We believe that actively learning about Judaism and engaging in Jewish Life is the birthright of every Jew.
  • As a congregation, we are committed to nurturing the Jewish learning of each of our members and guests wherever they are on their Jewish journey.

Prayer & Spiritual Growth

  • We support individual spiritual journeys, where the goal is progress, not perfection.
  • Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach is dedicated to religious worship that is alive, immediate and profoundly transformational.
  • We believe prayer can move us, inspire us and enhance our lives.
  • We believe that experiencing heartfelt prayer requires patience, practice and commitment.
  • Our community welcomes Jewish observance at all levels resulting in the rich tapestry that is our congregation.

Community & Social Action

  • Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach believes as a Jewish community, we have a distinct responsibility to participate in attaining social justice and Tikkun Olam (healing the world).
  • We are committed to using Jewish tradition as a framework for fulfilling our sacred obligation to improve ourselves and our world.
  • We believe that our personal spiritual advancements combine to fuel the growth of our community.
  • We support the State of Israel at all times and in all ways.
  • We believe we can make a difference, in our community, in the world and in our own lives.

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