190 N. County Rd., Palm Beach, FL 33480 | (561) 832-0804 | officesec@tepb.org

Temple Emanu-El

Spiritual. Egalitarian. Welcoming.

Rosh Hashanah Day One in Person or Live Streaming

Tuesday, September 7, 2021    
All Day

Haverim – Dear Friends,

We are looking forward to celebrating the High Holy Days with you and your family.

The Covid -19 pandemic continues to remain a significant concern in our community.  Out of abundance of caution we are encouraging our members and guests to watch High Holy Day Services via our enhanced Live Stream this year. However, if you wish to attend in person services you are welcome to do so with the following considerations:

  1. All members and guests must be vaccinated to attend in person services.
  2. Everyone attending will be required to properly wear a mask at all times.
  3. As social distancing will be maintained, in person services will be limited to 150 attendees per service.
  4. To accommodate as many people as possible, we are offering TWO Services for the holidays listed below:

Tuesday & Wednesday, September 7 & 8
Rosh Hashanah, Days 1 & 2
First Service: 9:00AM-11:00AM
Second Service: 12:00PM-2:00PM
Tashlich, Rosh Hashanah Day 1 One Service 2:30PM

Wednesday, September 15
Kol Nidrei First Service: 5:00PM-6:30PM
Second Service: 7:30PM-9:00PM

Thursday, September 16
Yom Kippur Morning / Yizkor First Service: 9:00AM 11:30AM
Second Service: 12:30PM-3:00PM
Yom Kippur Mincha One Service 4:00PM
Yom Kippur Neilah One Service 6:30PM

Please note, some services will be abbreviated to accommodate the above schedule.

5. When you sign up for a Service on Rosh Hashanah, you will automatically be assigned to the same time block on Yom Kippur. (In other words, if you are signed up for the First Service on Rosh Hashanah, you will also be assigned to the First Service on Kol Nidrei and Yom Kippur morning. We regret that we do not have the ability to mix and match.)

Please note that both the First and Second Services will be identical to each other.

We request that you attend only the services that you reserved.

IMPORTANT: Please RSVP by calling the Temple office at 561-832-0804 on or before September 3, 2021, to reserve your preferred time slot. Once 150 attendees have signed up for a particular time slot, all other persons will be placed in the other time slot.

  1. In person seating is only available to members in good standing and their guests.
  2. You must reserve your tickets in advance.  No walk-ins will be permitted.
  3. Please note that we will NOT be inviting people to approach the ARK during Neilah this year.
  4. Although special holiday dinners can be reserved for pickup, there will not be any in house meals served.
  5. Please note that you will be attending services at your own risk


We insist that those in attendance follow the above requirements to insure The greatest degree of safety for all.

Alternatively, we encourage and invite you to enjoy Temple Emanuel’s High Holy Days Services via our live stream this year.   The services of an audio-visual production company have been engaged to provide our members and guests with an intimate and enhanced viewing experience.   Live streaming is complimentary to everyone including guests and friends and can be viewed per the schedule of services listed above.

To watch live, please click here at the time each Service begins, or simply go to www.tepb.org and click the orange Watch Live button on the upper right corner or our homepage.

We invite you to stop by the synagogue to pick up a Machzor for use at home and we will loan you as many copies as you need.  Selections of the prayer service will also be available on our website.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Temple Office at 561-832-0804 if you have any questions or require assistance.

Temple Emanu-El remains committed to your Jewish life and connection and pray that the words that conclude Yom Kippur – Next Year in Jerusalem – will ring true next year and that we can be together wherever we gather without fear or trepidation.

Shana Tov u’Metukah – Wishing you and yours a healthy and happy New Year.

The live streaming is FREE to everyone…


NOTE: Services are Streamed Live for those that wish to join us from home.  Click here to watch.