190 N. County Rd., Palm Beach, FL 33480 | (561) 832-0804 | officesec@tepb.org

Temple Emanu-El

Spiritual. Egalitarian. Welcoming.

Kabbalat Shabbat Healing Service

Friday, March 27, 2020    
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Kabbalat Shabbat

Based on an order from Governor Ron DeSantis to close all non-essential businesses, Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach is now temporarily closed. This means that we – Rabbi, Hazzan and Claudio – will not be able to be here in Temple Emanu-El to live stream our Shabbat Services.

Anticipating this possibility, we took the liberty of recording some special Shabbat Services, slightly modified to better suit an online-only audience. We are calling them “Healing Services.”

To view the Friday Evening Kabbalat Shabbat Healing Service, click here.  The recommended viewing time is Friday at 6pm. (This way, we can all watch together at the same time 🙂

Alternatively, you can also click here to be taken to our Live Streaming page. Scroll down all the way down to see the available archives.

We have placed Siddurim that correspond to these Services on our Live Streaming page, as well. Feel free to use them to daven and sing along with us.

We look forward to the time when we can all be back together at Temple Emanu-El. In the meantime, please be safe and call Rabbi if you need anything at all.  561-236-0787.