190 N. County Rd., Palm Beach, FL 33480 | (561) 832-0804 | officesec@tepb.org

Temple Emanu-El

Spiritual. Egalitarian. Welcoming.

Virtual Tour

“Build for me a Sanctuary that I might dwell inside of you.”

Exodus 25:8


FriedmansIn reality, it is people that make Temple Emanu-El into a sacred space. Our congregation is the sum of the creativity, goodness and common purpose that comes from the hundreds of people who meet, work and worship within these walls.

That said, it doesn’t hurt to have a beautiful campus, and Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach has one of the best.  Our campus facilitates the sacred work in which we are engaged.

Here’s a quick online tour. To see it for yourself, simply stop by the synagogue and someone will be happy to show you around!

Melvin J. & Claire Levine Campus

Seminole Avenue Entrance

Main Lobby

Ruth & H. Bert Mack Memorial Room

Pearl & Jack Resnick Sanctuary

Rabb Chapel

Kramer Library

Mickey & Charlie Feldberg Boardroom

Schram Family Lounge

H. Bert & Ruth Mack Meditation Garden

Dan & Ewa Abraham Garden

Herb's Garden

Levin Social Hall

Rothman Religious School 

Heilweil Youth Lounge

In This Section